December 18, 2021
Remember the ‘Semantic Web’?
Don’t you get fed up with the alphabet soup of tech terms that people introduce into our daily conversation?
It gets worse …they then go on to use terms that most people can’t understand to ‘explain’ what they are talking about!
And even when we do get simple language it still doesn’t get there … because we essentially use product descriptions and features and don’t describe the benefits to ordinary people.
Take Web 3.0 .. please!
If you read the interwebs you would think that a new religion came of age in 2021. Google Trends tells a different story.
So when you are next reading about Web 3.0, forget about Crypto, Algorithms, DIDs, Sovereign Identity, NFTs, Wallets, Coins, Blockchains - and all of the rest of it. Just know that IF we get Web 3.0 right … and it is far from clear we will - but if we do …. then it is the start of finally realizing the value that everybody expected back when this web thing started.
I thought this was an interesting little doohickey that you might find an interesting explanation - though I have some issues with a few of them.
Behavioural Advertising for example. God I hope not. I wish it read ‘Intent Casting’ - but that’s an idea that doesn’t seem to have arrived in the mainstream.
And despite Zuckerberg’s best attempts Blogs are not going away.
But more importantly, some of the thinking is just BAU!
One of the most important things I would add is that Web 1.0 was ‘pipes’, Web 2.0 is really all about platforms. Web 3.0 is all about protocols. That’s one of the People First Tenets!
December 14, 2021
What To Do
The past is the past. Let go of all ‘could have’, ‘would have’, ‘should have’ thinking. It takes too much energy and nothing can be changed.
Likewise the future has multiple possibilities and potential - each path with its own routes, requirements and dependencies. Let it go aswell. Too much of it is out of you hands and you can’t control the future.
Instead, focus on the present. The now. The immediate.
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!
December 14, 2021
The Cost of Healthcare
The US is famous for massively inflated healthcare charges. Stories of $200 for a pain pill and $100 for a band aid abound.
For example - how much does an ambulance cost? - not should … does.
It’s extraordinary. Luckily, I’m not in America - where even with insurance, the costs can rise to hundreds of thousands of US dollars out of pocket costs.
I had cause to ride in an ambulance 7 times last week … and people apologized for the high charges ….
All seven journeys came to less than half the price Of a single journey in the U.S.A.
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!
December 14, 2021
There is so much to remember as part of the new process. It isn’t something you just leave to the doctor. For a start there are so many of them … so no single ‘system of record’. Doctors Oncology and Radiation Chemotherapy Dentist Hearing Nutrition Speech Therapy
… and that’s the official ones - without getting into the ‘alternatives’:
Holistic care Massage Accupuncture Osteopath Naturopath Aromatherapy Touch Color therapy Crystals Light therapy
I’m not particularly driven by any of them
Alt Care
Regularity Discipline Routine Consistency Persistence
Failure cannot withstand persistence
Preparation dentist Mouth washes - bicarbonate of soda as saline Tooth paste .. high fluoride
Person Hygiene Moisturiser Creams Nails
Healthcare Process .. temperature
Records … records diet Record pills Record calorific intake Record weight
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!
December 14, 2021
Post Ideas
[ ] Chakras [ ] Reply To A Comment [ ] Wisdom [ ] Process [ ] Kevin bridges videographer [ ] Aran story [ ] Sleep - fighting disease - like a baby [ ] Tools as a category explain [ ]Add explain categories in category list [ ]Jax’s Notability graphic [ ] Regarding BIP100 and Cancer - Fucking Penny - can I tell everyone [ ] Fighting cancer with dance [ ] Jay bradner open source cancer research [ ] [ ] An app for the hospitals Tie in Digi me Private is just an excuse (?) [ ] Our organization - RaySearch Laboratories [ ] ”May your journey to health be
swift and uneventful.” [ ] Face detection doesn’t work when you are using the machine [ ] Low-Dose Radiation a Possible “Game Changer” for Treating HPV-Positive Throat Cancer | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center [ ] Why Peppe has never lost a patient [ ] [ ] Healthcare [ ] Oh, bro. That is truly awful. My prayers and good vibes are with you. You WILL win this battle. No doubt. [ ] 70 Fighting Cancer Quotes to Encourage & Comfort (2021) [ ] Not everybody is as cantankerous, grumpy and particular as you. [ ] Courage, mate - every day is a new day.
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!
December 14, 2021
Important AND Urgent
Important and Urgent
… from MacSparky
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!
December 14, 2021
I Have Months To Live
I just learned I only have months to live. This is what I want to say - The Boston Globe
… from the Boston Globe
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!
December 14, 2021
I am pretty much an amateur when it comes to alternative medicines, systems and beliefs. and Very much an amateur when it comes to non-Western medicines, systems and beliefs. Hell … ‘ALL’ medicines, systems and beliefs. That all said, my interest is always peaked when I read about them. Take Chakras for example.
One widely popular schema of seven chakras is as follows, from bottom to top:
- Muladhara
- Svadhisthana
- Nabhi-Manipura
- Anahata
- Vishuddhi
- Ajna
- Sahasrara.
The colours are modern.
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!
December 14, 2021
Blood Tests
Blood Test Detects 50 Cancer Types
… from LinkedIN
The Hidden In Plain Sight blog was around for a year - and has now been archived here. This post/link was half-written and ready to go on the original blog - but somehow it never made it. Just catching up on the backlog!