March 7, 2022

Readers’ Republic - 2

Two versions of the recording.

Raw YouTube

This one is the raw video from YouTube

DCO Indexed

This one is after I have run it through some software that I am exploring that automatically generates a transcript and a set of tags to help better navigate the 90 minutes or so.

You will notice that there are a LOT of tags - partly because I am still getting my head around the software (which allows me to edit the tags - but that takes time, which I don’t want to invest unless there is interest), but partly because the software isn’t quite yet applying a right level of intelligence to the tagging. (Some fixes are in the works).

For the best experience, set your browser window as large as possible (see the bottom right control) - AND/OR notice that you can hide the tags and the transcript by toggling the controls at the top of the panel.


Help With The InterfaceHelp With The Interface


This Is The Indexed Video

readers republic
March 1, 2022

Web 3 - Whatever That Is!

Web3 …

To understand what I mean - you might want to check out this earlier post. Meanwhile, on my personal thoughts microblog, I have been collecting a series of links - you can find them here.

Meanwhile, I was thinking that it probably makes more sense to include them on this blog. Thus we have a new living post, starting with that list and expanding - as I find then - below.

Probably the most important blog that relates to this post is

Web3 Is Going Just Great

Added March 11th

World’s ‘First NFT Vending Machine’ Didn’t Work And Neither Did The NFTs

Original Links

Why Web3 matters - by John Henderson - The Idea Exchange

Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs - YouTube

So … what the hell is Web3? With the Chernin Group’s Jarrod Dicker - Recode Media

The New Get-Rich-Faster Job in Silicon Valley: Crypto Startups

Notes on Web3

The Web3 Renaissance: A Golden Age for Content - by Li Jin

Web3’s Instant Rush to Centralization

Matt Birchler summarizing Moxie’s piece


Where’s The Fun

Via Doc Searls …

Kaliya Young

Phil Windley

James Beck

Peggy McCormick

February 21, 2022

Two Posts - Many Coins


This post, by Dave Rosenthal caught my eye this morning. It’s long, it’s deep and is written with authority and knowledge.

Who is David Rosenthal? In his words

I worked with James Gosling on CMU’s Andrew project in the early 80s. I was a DE with him at Sun later in the 80s working on window systems including X, and file systems. I quit to be employee #4 at Nvidia where Curtis Priem and I did the basic I/O architecture, then was an early employee at Vitria, the second company of founders of Tibco. Before I start talking about cryptocurrencies, I should stress that I hold no long or short positions in cryptocurrencies, their derivatives or related companies.

David Rosenthal

It obviously also caught Cory Doctorow’s eyes, because he went on to write a post as well. To many Cory’s will be more readable - I guess helped by him being a professional writer and Dave’s original post actually being a summary of notes and slides he presented at  Stanford’s EE380 Whether you read Dave’s or Cory’s - if not both, the conclusion is the same …

Featured Image Copyright: Copyright by MaxPixel

February 16, 2022

We need to get beyond sharing data. The only way to do that is to send the code to the data instead of sending data to the code.We need to get beyond sharing data. The only way to do that is to send the code to the data instead of sending data to the code.

Data david huseby
February 14, 2022

Readers’ Republic - 1

readers republic
February 14, 2022

Pipelines to Platforms to Protocols


If you are interested in this world - Sangeet Paul Choudary is well worth a follow.

I found his latest newsletter interesting

Pipelines to platforms to protocols: Reconfiguring value and redesigning markets

… not least because I have been riffing on this for a while now - particularly after I heard Tim talk about this at an IIW a few years ago.

Protocols Kill Platforms Timothy RuffProtocols Kill Platforms - Timothy Ruff.jpeg

.. which is kind of how one of the People First Tenet’s emerged …. a while back now.

Pipes Platforms ProtocolsPipes Platforms Protocols.jpeg

February 11, 2022


4Privacy is another interesting site found by the inimitable Doc Searls.

Looks like they are launching via Kickstarter- as of writing;

13,052 backers pledged $604,985 to help bring this project to life.

February 10, 2022

A Hot New Watch


A hot new watch from IDZ … or is it?

They call it ‘The Identity Watch’. The web site reads more as a manifesto for privacy, data security and identity, I love it!

The Identity Watchstore_watch_desk.png

What Is The Watch?

  • An Identifier - To allow you to identify with different services

  • An Authenticator - To increase the value of your ZINDEX and the security of your ID

  • A Health tracker - To allow you to track all your fitness data in the health

via Doc Searls

By the way - if you want one, even they say it’s expensive and the buy button takes you to Open Sea (according to their web site / he first and largest NFT Market Place) … get your crypto ready!

February 7, 2022

We Are Open - Again!

It’s a new year, and a spectacular new one at that. More of that to come - but good reasons for my extended absence.

As we reopen the doors, I have decided to offer up some shorter thought posts and links beyond the longer articles that I have put here in the past. So along with a new workflow that utilizes Drafts I am hoping that you will find more to read, more regularly - but not necessarily taking more time.

Might also be a good time to remind you that there is a newsletter available, that can get delivered to your inbox. Just like this blog and the podcast, it too has been in hiatus. It’s coming back - but not yet reached it’s weekly cadence.

Onwards - and my thanks for your attention and support.

People First
January 27, 2022

Custom Styles

{“version”: 2, “isGlobalStylesUserThemeJSON”: true }
