November 20, 2021

The Seven Laws of Identity


The Seven Laws of Identity - Kim Cameron

Introduced in 2004 by Kim Cameron

Read More

Not exactly an ‘update’ from Doc Searls, but definitely a link with reading, remembering Kim who passed at the end of last year.

doc searls Identity Kim Cameron
October 2, 2021

A Love Letter To New Zealand

But It’s Tough Love!

It was less than a year ago that New Zealand was heralded as the country leading the way in the fight against COVID. A beacon. A North Star … “Look at what ‘they’ are doing. If only we could all do that!”

It was all ours to lose. And we did.

You only need to look around the world, but in case that’s too hard - consider the global Covid ranking. Last November New Zealand lead the world. As of writing, the country languishes at 38th.

I’m a visitor here ( coming up to two years now ), so still very much an outsider. When I first arrived someone said to me;

“We are a very remote, isolated country that has forced us to be innovative … but that very isolation causes us not to think beyond our borders.”

There is truth in that.

Since living here, I have come to recognise a local expression …

“She’ll be right.”

… it’s cute, but IMHO, allows for an acceptance that it will all ‘just work out’ … it will be ok … don’t worry. A neat post on the phrase, To quote one short sentence from that article …

“The term has taken on a less than acceptable meaning in recent years. The ‘she’ll be right’ kiwi mentality can refer to a below adequate acceptance of a object or situation instead of trying to come up with a good fix for something. It is pretty much, that’s ok, anything goes, even if it isn’t great quality. Are we allowing sub-par outcomes when we could find a better answer? It can be classed as a little flippant and a no-worries attitude”.

I think that this thinking causes the nation generally to accept ‘ok’ … not excellence, which in turn reflects on the perception of the country. (BTW - it is the country. The people are amazing. And so many Kiwis leave New Zealand and do great things .. and have done for over a hundred years. Brian Sweeney’s Ted Talk from 8 Years Ago tells that story.

It’s a shame, I love New Zealand. I want to be involved, to bring my experience and knowledge to the country, so far it is clear that I have failed to explain how I can help. I place the fault at my feet. If somebody doesn’t get what you are saying, it’s your fault - not theirs. That said, I am not alone. As I have engaged with different people and organisations here, it is clear that there are a number of frustrated visitors here.

A Related Story About LOTR

I am not part of the NZ LOTR world … but had a close enough seat to the production side, public opinion, employment challenges and the Government to know that this is not simple.

Two articles …

Amazon’s Lord of the Rings New Zealand exit a tourism nightmare

Stuart Nash under fire

Here’s the thing. At a stroke, Amazon moved production from New Zealand to the UK. I don’t think it was about the money, it was about how hard it is to work with New Zealand. But that hasn’t really been discussed in anything I have read, certainly nobody has publicly asked ‘why’.

We just collectively shrug our shoulders and say;

“She’ll be right.”

You can read more thoughts here.

August 11, 2021

The End Of Ownership: How Big Companies Are Trying To Turn Everyone Into Renters

Not called out specifically … but you can add ‘homes’ to the list.

Another nail in the coffin of The ‘American Dream’.

August 11, 2021

Sell your VALUE … skills, degrees, time, knowledge, certifications - all of them are useless if you don’t improve the customers life - and you do that my giving them more time OR improving the quality of the time they have.

firstism future of work Value
August 11, 2021


The creator economy is in crisis. Now let’s fix it.

A great read that highlights the challenges of the much touted creator economy.

April 28, 2021

It Could Be So Much Worse


Photo Credit : Brittney Burnett

Two and a half weeks into this process, so far so good. Sure - there are bad days - but there are also good ones. And when the bad ones happen, I don’t have to look far to find people fighting a much harder battle. Not just with the kind of cancer, how much cancer, how long they have been fighting it … the stories of strong positive people abound.

Take this video of the artist Tracy Emin talking about her fight just last year.

But one even closer to home … a young lady I met just last week.

  • 32 years old, single and had to leave her 4 children at home ( the eldest is 18 - let that sink in for a few minutes ).
  • Home is an entirely different country … a couple of thousand miles away.
  • Her mother died just three days before she flew out of the country.
  • She is here all by herself, staying in a local hotel.
  • This is her sixth week of treatment .. chemo and radiotherapy every day.
  • Ovarian cancer.

Through all of that … smiling, staying positive and willing herself to win this battle.


See my other Commentary here.

April 28, 2021

Five Things


Photo Credit : Siora Photography

Sure, there’s a lot for the doctors to do … BUT … there’s a lot you can do as-well. You will hear about maintaining a positive mental attitude … but that’s just one thing.


Diet / Nutrition




I will write a short post on each of these - and when I do - will link back to this post.

See my other Commentary here.

April 25, 2021

Tumor Treating Fields

rod-long-J-ygvQbilXU-unsplash.jpgPhoto Credit : Rod Long Ted Talk, 2010

Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are the best-known methods for treating cancer. At TEDMED, Bill Doyle presents a new approach, called Tumor Treating Fields, which uses electric fields to interrupt cancer cell division. Still in its infancy – and approved for only certain types of cancer – the treatment comes with one big benefit: quality of life.

See all the posts connecting to people who seem to know what they are talking about when it comes to all of this.

April 25, 2021

Radio Waves


Photo Credit : Hu lei

Somewhere else in here, I talked about imagining PacMan eating all the bad cells.

But to what music?

May I introduce you to …

See the full list of music posts here.

inspirational Music
April 25, 2021


mark-adriane-muS2RraYRuQ-unsplash.jpgPhoto Credit : Mark Adriane

“Oy! Get good fast!”

See all the ‘backacha’ posts.
