July 6, 2017

What Does It Mean To Be A Fan

Spotted On Some Social Media Board Somewhere:

A picture from an old Pink Floyd concert - entitled ‘Pink’

Entitled … I see what you did there!

The Response, Just Below It: “Which one?” The Response, Just Below That: “Which one’s what?” … which got this chap to wondering. He happens to know the Pink Floyd catalogue. Rather too well actually, but that’s altogether another thing  …

And can, apparently, actually remember it. And you know what they say about remembering Pink Floyd concerts…

Well this chap is talking albums - not concerts - but still - I assume you are referencing that old line “If you can ‘remember it’ - well - you just weren’t there!” ?

Of course this chap immediately got the lyrical reference from Wish You Were Here.

… and then immediately smacked his head after shaking it - wondering - who is this? How can it be that such a famous line can just pass you by?

One who probably attended the concert, and – well, see above.

Again - we are talking albums

And then The Original Chap thought some more

Classic Rock rates ‘Have A Cigar’ as the Floyd’s ninth post popular song - and the album it was from - ‘Wish You Were Here’ the second best album they ever did. Wish You Were Here also included 2 other top 10 Pink Floyd songs. As a comparison - Dark Side also had just three songs from the Floyd top ten.

So … big then?

My point?

My point is that anyone with a modicum of Pink Floyd knowledge should know that song and that specific lyric. But … if you didn’t know that the lead vocal was actually delivered by one Roy Harper - is that just stuff I know, or is it stuff that a true fan should know? Where do you draw the line? And I accept that I am probably an anomaly on this one - I mean even Tumblr alerts me to micro-blogs I should follow - like - oh - I don’t know … this one?


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Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness The Chaps contribution to this years July 4th Thinking .. to have an email pop across the transom this morning. Much like the other chap, he’s not
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A Pedantic SOB … or just a chap trying to get things right. This is the question for the day. This Chap Was Happy To Publish .. this on one of his other sites.