Sometimes You Wonder
I Write This Blog For Fun
When my friend wrote to me - the picture above was the header on the site. Just making sure there is no confusion:-)
There are no trackers in it. I make no money from it. I run no analytics on it. I even currently have comments switched off … unlike my other publication … And Another Thing … which I run with my friend Graham. Sure I share links to it from time to time. I push stuff into Linkedin and Medium. I even have an associated newsletter … which might actually get sent one day! And really - all of that is ok - if it wasn’t I would do something about it. Still, you do sometimes wonder if anyone reads it. Which is why an email like this from an erstwhile colleague warms the cockles of my heart.
Your recent LinkedIn post took me to your Beyond Bridges website. Lo and Behold - The Bernina Express on the Brusio Circular Viaduct. Marilyn and I took the route from Tirano to Chur. Spectacularly amazing trip! Thanks for bringing back that wonderful memory!
Cheers, Carl .. and now you know what that bridge is up there - and if you click on the link in Carl’s email, you will see a delicious collection of pictures of that bridge - and lots of information.