January 1, 2017

The End Of The World Is Nigh

John now believes that this is true …

I am reminded that there are those that liken America’s current fall from grace in the world  to the ‘Last Days of Rome’.  Bottom line, ‘Rome’ falling because of the disconnected, debauchery of the despots in Rome from the rest of their civilisation. Having just read that we are now serving dinners on IPads … I kid you not - I can only but agree.

I know San Francisco is crazy and ‘different’ - but this is ridiculous. Then again, this I had not heard …

Apparently, this isn’t a new thing. Chefs in the United Kingdom have been serving dishes on iPads since at least last year, but the trend hasn’t really come to the United States in full force.

So maybe it’s just me?

Graham commented …

Sigh… Is there nothing that can’t be automated?

John Sighs …

Is everything derivative?


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