February 10, 2013

Big Brother Turns Out To Be Big Data

data_info_knowledge_wisdomdata_info_knowledge_wisdomThis has been weighing on my mind recently.

For background reading have a read of this.

More to come in a future post - but essentially my concern is that with so much ‘information hitting the ’spheres’ and networks - too much of it is appearing without a foundation of knowledge (if that doesn’t seem an upside down think to say) - as a result all information is essentially being reduced to data and nobody has the time / inclination / interest to triangulate and make sense of it. So they don’t.

So we continue to grow increasingly isolated in our bubbles, we ignore ‘inconvenient truths’ - even if we do know them. Facts are being ignored. Science is being ignored. History is being ignored. Unless it supports the mind already made up.

OK - not everything - but if you don’t know what you don’t know - how can you isolate the right information for you to make decisions on.

Newspeak is coming in real quickly - but it isn’t just BIg Brother …. it is everyone.

….  the decadence of our language is probably curable. Those who deny this would argue, if they produced an argument at all, that language merely reflects existing social conditions, and that we cannot influence its development by any direct tinkering with words or constructions.


25th July - 2016 - I just rediscovered this post - and am adding this graphic >>>


🌉 archive.bb

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