March 7, 2020

Garbage Language


We need to stop it.

“We’re waiting on specs for the San Francisco installation. Can you parallel-path two versions?”

Good grief … I think Molly Young is channelling me.

… at the very bottom, customer service. Which, by the way, has been rechristened “customer support” or “customer experience” at most companies — as though the word service might remind the college graduates recruited for these roles that they will in fact spend their days pacifying irritable consumers over phone, chat, text, and email. 

As you know - Language is one of the People First pillars.

I have no reason to write more on this article - it only becomes a block to you reading it yourself.

March 7, 2020

Data Is Being Used To Screw Us


This popped into a thread that I am part of …

Yeshimabeit Milner

A thread that caused ‘Friend of People First’ - Adrian Gropper to write;

A talk that argues that most of the big data is being used to screw us and mentions data trusts as a possible solution. Data trusts are an immature concept but worth considering because it’s one approach to decentralizing governance. Until we figure out data governance principles that are transparent and contextual to specific communities we should limit data aggregation by default and focus on personal agents and other fiduciaries.

Adrian Gropper

It is interesting because on that very same day I received these words from another ‘Friend of People First’ and occasional colleague Daniel Szuc after he received my newsletter declaring Data is Energy.

Energy is energy.
Climate is a result of energy misused.
Environment is the outcome.
What are the impacts on our environment today, inside people and in the outside environment people live in?
What contributes to the health or toxicity of the environment?
Data, understood deeply, should be used to contribute to the healthy environment … yet … how is it being used today?

Daniel Szuc and Josephine Wong

The answer, of course, is exactly what Adrian expressed above.

It is being used to screw us.

Data video Video
March 5, 2020

Fuck You. Pay Me.


Imagine, turning around to a lawyer, an accountant, a doctor and telling them that they weren’t going to be paid.

Dear Lawyer

I listened to your advice - but I am not going to use it - so I don’t owe you.

Wrote no one ever.

So why does that happen to designers, creators, writers et al?

Value Video
March 4, 2020



Data Is Energy!

In 2020, extractive industries are under siege for many reasons, so why on earth would we hang our hats on such a flawed analogy as ’Data Is The New Oil? Regardless, it is just plain wrong.

Read The Whole Article.

“ If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. ”

Nikola Tesla

Data Newsletter
February 26, 2020



O.M.G. Technology!

We live in the thrall of technology. ‘Shiny Things’, that deliver ‘squirrel’ interruptions into our daily lives. Nothing wrong with that, with all the usual caveats that we read about. BUT …

Read The Whole Article.

“ OMG - Technology … all


Managed and


Not by you - but by the very companies that ‘sold’ you the ‘bill of goods’ to begin with. ”

John Philpin

Newsletter Technology
February 23, 2020

Reflections on Reflections


Reflecting On/Of Pillars

I have been reflecting on the pillars of People First. Each pillar has at least one reflection that throws new light on something we might have thought we understood, but on reflection we might conclude that ‘common wisdom’ should be questioned.

Reflections of any subject aren’t exactly true to the original. Sometimes distorted. Occasionally murky. Always the opposite of what we perceive as reality. Yet they are valid representations of reality.

Always revealing differences. Often adding new facets. To know the reflection is to understand the subject.

This is a living post and will be updated as reflections are added to the canon.




ID - Entity


Data? Data Is Energy!


Technology? OMG - Technology

February 18, 2020



Always revealing differences. Often adding new facets. 
To know the reflection is to understand the subject.

We get so caught up in the idea that your ID is your identity that we forget that ‘entity’ is also part of ‘identity’.

Read The Whole Article.

Even without ‘ID’, you remain an ‘entity’ - with distinct and independent existence.

John Philpin

Identity Newsletter
February 13, 2020

Who’s Responsible?


Just You.

Every single individual creates wealth for themselves through their labour, skills, information, knowledge, insights, wisdom, time and through their assets, thinking, analysis, compassion, agility, flexibility, street smarts, humanity …

Read The Whole Article.

“There is no future of work - only a future of income.”

John Philpin

February 5, 2020

When You Connect The Dots


You Don’t Always Reach The Right Conclusion.

This newsletter is a journey through a series of disparate - yet connected - dots. Each dot leading to the next with the final dot also being the first. An image of the journey is created. A mandala. An image of some ‘25 degrees of People First’.

Read The Whole Article.

_“_Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel

Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel

As the images unwind, like the circles that you find 

In the windmills of your mind!

The Windmills Of Your Mind, Alan and Marilyn Bergman.

February 5, 2020

Politics In Business

Politics and BusinessPolitics and Business

The New York Times : Yellow or Blue? In Hong Kong, Businesses Choose Political Sides on the 19th January contains this quote …

Families and businesses have cleaved, sometimes forcefully, between those who believe Beijing must be compelled to carry out promised reforms and those who worry that the democracy crusade is destroying Hong Kong’s reputation as a stable financial capital.

I thought of the UK and the US … and made two modifications

For The USA

Families and businesses have cleaved, sometimes forcefully, between those who believe Washington must be compelled to carry out promised reforms and those who worry that the democracy crusade is destroying The USA’s reputation as a stable financial capital.

For The UK

Families and businesses have cleaved, sometimes forcefully, between those who believe London must be compelled to carry out promised reforms and those who worry that the democracy crusade is destroying The UK’s reputation as a stable financial capital.

People First politics