Unclear On The Principle
The signs were very clear, any small containers with liquids needed to be removed from the luggage and put into a separate see-through plastic bag - duly provided below said signs. You then - and only then - move on to the security check line.
A woman, four places in front of this chap must have missed the signs and is asked to unpack her luggage and ‘decant’ right there in the security line.
You would have thought that seeing her going through this might have jogged the woman three places in front of this chap into action.
Maybe seeing two women unpack their bags on the inspection line might have reminded the woman two places in front of me.
Seemingly not.
The woman immediately in front of me turned to look at me and said
“Could I apologize on behalf of my gender.”
Apology accepted. We watched, without movement, along with the small line behind us as the other lines moved through at a pace.