April 12, 2018

Amazon’s ‘A to Z’ Needs To Catch The Magic Of Alibaba

At least when it comes to the numbers.

Another post that arises as a result of me catching up on my writing backlog. For reference, have this in your mind as you read the rest of the post. Back at the end of last year, I listened to a reporter breathlessly describing how cyber Monday will break all records [note]this year, as in last year - 2017, to be specific.[/note] - with the expectation that $6 billion of revenue will result from this single event. Note - that is across ALL retailers in the US. I was reminded of these words that I wrote in November 2017, to a small group I belong to.

Alibaba raked in over $8 billion in sales in the first hour of its made-up marketing holiday, “Singles Day”. with a 24 hour total of $17.8 Billion … and that was 2016 - numbers for 2017 are around $23 billion … prime day in 2017 hit $1 billion … and Black Friday this year accounted for $5 billion - including $2 billion through mobile … in other words total sales in the USA for prime day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday across ALL stores in the country amounted to slightly more than 50% of what a single company achieved in China over a single day celebrating an ‘invented’ holiday (the very one, in fact, that gave Amazon the idea for Prime Day to begin with! OK - China’s population is 4 times that of the US, but still - now we begin to understand where the money is.

🌉 archive.bb

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