September 22, 2017

Boundary Conditions

They Need To Be Understood

But there is so much more. For the longest time, my sentence description for what I do is ‘translate’ Tech Speak to Business Speak. Sales Speak to Marketing Speak. English Speak To American Speak. Corporate Speak to Customer Speak. I didn’t start that way … but when I look back at what I have done and attempt to explain what some would consider to be an eclectic career - that is the common thread. Back in 2012 I wrote this. I was prompted to write this as I was thinking today about a dialogue I had with a good friend of mine around the People First initiative … dialogue modified  to make sense out of context …

ME: I am thinking that IF People First is focussing on the future present of work …. (since ALL language you read is really about impact on corporations and society - not really on the individual), then one aspect I want to be talked about is IF you are an individual - what is the language YOU should use?

For example …. I am not ‘talent’. You are not going to ‘acquire me’, so why does a corporation talk about ‘talent acquisition’. On the flip side - I have mobility and can move around and YOU dear corporation have to jump to this piper, who is playing my tune. Make sense ?

Friend: Makes sense. I don’t frame it as a ‘corporate and you’ thing. I frame it as an understanding, sense making and modelling thing where the refreshed and healthier models can live in various contexts.

ME: I frame it as the interface / intersection where the translation occurs. That is where I hang out, always have done - which in turn plays to … “ an understanding, sense making and modelling thing where the refreshed and healthier models can live in various contexts.” Flagging and highlighting this now and will come back to it later.


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