Worlds Colliding
Remember this ? Seems like Richard Martin and Kenneth Mikkelsen have written a book on the topic … can’t wait to start the dialogue ….
Have you encountered difficulties describing what you do to other people?
Have you ever labelled yourself in order to be understood?
Is there a difference in the way that a generalist and a specialist can stay relevant?
If you had to design an approach to education fit for the twenty-first century, what would it look like?
How do you live a life of meaning if you live in more than one world?
During an era still dominated by hyperspecialism and experts with ‘the one right answer’, the neo-generalist defies easy classification. They are tricksters who traverse multiple domains, living between categories and labels. Encompassing rather than rejecting, the neo-generalist is both specialist and generalist. A restless multidisciplinarian, who is forever learning. They bring together diverse people, synthesising ideas and practice, addressing the big issues that confront us in order to shape a better future.
They are curious, responsive, connective.