@DaveWiner Blocked Me
As a reader of this blog - you might know that I follow and agree with Dave Winer (who I do not know) .. a lot. In fact, a quick search on Beyond Bridges posts reveals 12 separate posts mentioning his name alone.
A couple of weeks ago he posted this on his blog, where he was celebrating the return of Robert Scoble to the world of blogging and RSS. I had already been looking at this when Robert first announced it, commenting to him through Twitter that since I don’t use Facebook, I couldn’t comment on his blog. A short flurry of exchanges ensued, including being followed by the man himself. Honored, though I suspect that I might need to work hard to have him be a regular listener ! But back to that post by Dave. I popped over to Twitter to share this with Dave - and lo - I discovered he had blocked me. Blocked mind you. Not muted, but blocked.
In light of another one of his posts, I was a little surprised.
He concluded his post thus:
I’d of course add my favorite (that doesn’t actually exist) – mute-with-timeout, which would allow me to turn off messages from people who might have a reason right now to be angry, but who I’d like to automatically give another chance to communicate with me, after having a chance to cool down.
This suggests that I had obviously done something really really bad. Sorry Dave. Maybe I ‘@ called you’ a little too much on Twitter, maybe I said something that upset you. My mistake. Apologies. And don’t worry, no need to unblock me, I have other accounts if I really want to see what you are saying on Twitter, but I don’t. Most of my interest in your work lies on Scripting.com anyway, which I still receive through my RSS feed in Feedly - I just won’t @ Call you anymore, because that is the only reason I can come up with as to why I am blocked.
Yours A Confused Fan