June 7, 2015

Social Workflow

From time to time people ask me what I mean about Tumblr being my curation / aggregation space (see above menu). The fact is I use a really cool little service called IF (used to be IFTTT - If This - Then That) … that essentially allows me to connect actions on different networks to create flows.

This is how it works in my world … and always thinking about how to add in more … unfortunately Pinterest has a walled garden approach - so no APIs to use for the guys at IF - but as I find new services that I CAN use  - I work out a way to include in the flow.

Social WorkflowSocial Workflow

It all starts at Feedly - which is my RSS feed aggregator  - i might tweet directly from there - more passing interest - than looking for curation. If it is interesting - I safe for later - which automatically drops it into my Instapaper account.

Then - whether I am in Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo or Instapaper - as I post / like into that network - it gets dropped into my Tumblr feed - which auto tweets accordingly. Also - if I am in Tumblr and I like stuff - it auto posts a Tweet aswell.

Meanwhile, any tweet with a link is captured for posterity into my Delicious Account.

Notice - I don’t auto route this blog - or my linkedIN feeds - and of course - you KNOW I am not on Facebook :-)

🌉 archive.bb

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Targeted Advertising Considered Harmful When a firm signals by advertising, it demonstrates to consumers that its production costs and the demand for its product are such that advertising