February 21, 2013

Sprout Social - An Introduction



This is one of a series of posts about Sprout Social that I am publishing throughout this blog, you can find the full list of posts here. I highly recommend that you check that set if you haven’t already.

Before you get started - you might want to check these introductory ideas first.

There is no doubt that the complexity of the world is increasing each and every day - and part of that is the job of monitoring, managing and making sense of all of those confounded networks that you are signed up for that are supposedly generating business for you = but still - somehow you really really just do not KNOW.

I have been looking at Sprout Social since October.

Well - to be honest that was when I signed up - and was immediately over powered by all the stuff that it can do. I pride myself with never needing a manual to get my head around software - but it might be that the software I have tackled thus far is actually a lot simpler.

Sprout Social is BIG, so I have wrestled it down to the ground - slowly. Moreover, I have probably opened up a lot more potential with it from the get go simply by immediately adding everything in. That’s good right ? Right. But I also think it has made it harder to get my head around it.

Recommendation One : Think First - Act Later

The other aspect of Sprout Social that isn’t as immediately apparent is that it can be your workflow and mechanism to engage with the social platforms you work with as well as doing ‘the monitoring’ thing. That is just great - and is going to be a post all of it’s own.

Now of course - when I say ‘one app - doing it all’. That’s right - IF Facebook and Twitter is all. Google+, Pinterest, Foursquare, Youtube et al are all being reviewed for inclusion - but of course

  1. the access has to be available through the API

  2. once you have pulled the data - you need to have some understanding of what you are monitoring, managing and making sense of in those apps - and I think that SproutSocial are - like me - trying to work that out.

Anyway - back to the subject at hand. The story here is so big, that I am breaking my thoughts up into a series of manageable posts. As I write, I will include them in the overall index - and I will also provide a simple navigation so you can read them in a logical order.

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Sprout Social - The Home Page This is one of a series of posts about Sprout Social that I am publishing throughout this blog, you can find the full list of posts here. I highly