February 7, 2022

We Are Open - Again!

It’s a new year, and a spectacular new one at that. More of that to come - but good reasons for my extended absence.

As we reopen the doors, I have decided to offer up some shorter thought posts and links beyond the longer articles that I have put here in the past. So along with a new workflow that utilizes Drafts I am hoping that you will find more to read, more regularly - but not necessarily taking more time.

Might also be a good time to remind you that there is a newsletter available, that can get delivered to your inbox. Just like this blog and the podcast, it too has been in hiatus. It’s coming back - but not yet reached it’s weekly cadence.

Onwards - and my thanks for your attention and support.

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Custom Styles {“version”: 2, “isGlobalStylesUserThemeJSON”: true }
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A Hot New Watch A hot new watch from IDZ … or is it? They call it ‘The Identity Watch’. The web site reads more as a manifesto for privacy, data security and