April 6, 2020

Surveillance Capitalism

Scared Yet?

“Surveillance capitalism is no longer confined to the competitive dramas of the large internet companies, where behavioral futures markets were first aimed at online advertising. Its mechanisms and economic imperatives have become the default model for most internet-based businesses. Eventually, competitive pressure drove expansion into the offline world, where the same foundational mechanisms that expropriate your online browsing, likes, and clicks are trained on your run in the park, breakfast conversation, or hunt for a parking space. Today’s prediction products are traded in behavioral futures markets that extend beyond targeted online ads to many other sectors, including insurance, retail, finance, and an ever-widening range of goods and services companies determined to participate”

💬 📚 people.first

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Sur-veil-lance Cap-i-tal-ism, n. “A new economic order that claims human experience as free raw material for hidden commercial practices of extraction, prediction, and sales.”
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