April 6, 2020

Surveillance Capitalism

The Devil Is In The Detail

“Each thermostat comes with a “privacy policy,” a “terms-of-service agreement,” and an “end-user licensing agreement.”

And that’s just the start … (My bold)

“A detailed analysis of Nest’s policies by two University of London scholars concluded that were one to enter into the Nest ecosystem of connected devices and apps, each with their own equally burdensome and audacious terms, the purchase of a single home thermostat would entail the need to review nearly a thousand so-called contracts.

💬 📚 people.first

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Anger In A Covid World “Sprinkle in some f-bombs and add a large container of assorted curse words, let marinate in a 21 day quarantine and BOOM… you have……. me.” Paul
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Surveillance Capitalism There’s an old poker adage - if you can’t work out who the sucker is at the table - you are the sucker. A more recent twist - ’if you aren’t paying