May 20, 2018

People:​ Caroline and Marcus

people-first-storiesCaroline and Marcus had arrived in the US a couple of days earlier, most of their two-week sojourn in front of them. They described their route over the next 10 days. There was going to be a lot of driving. A lot. I knew where they lived in the UK. Each day they were going to drive a distance equivalent to what they did in a month at home. Each day they were going to see a unique piece of nature the likes of which they would not see at home. I knew that somewhere near their home their were tourists from the other side of the world seeing everything that they had in their backyard.

“The profoundest distances are never geographical.”

John Fowles

how green is the other grass make the most of what you have Travels Without Charley

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People: Stevie Stevie was unsteady on his feet. He walked slowly. He didn’t seem to have much money. He was visiting the area because he had a hospital
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