April 2, 2020

People That Live In Glass Houses

”We all knew that our healthcare system was teetering but didn’t think it was in total shambles.”

This the opening line in a post called Healthcare

Wait? What? We didn’t? What planet have you been living on?

Oh - right - the one that allows you to divide your time between NYC and LA, as you refurbish your properties, attend art openings, comment on restaurants and your own cooking, provide your take on Unions (seriously WTF), It’s clear, you generally like to and do live the good life.

Not saying you shouldn’t mind.

Just don’t make out your are an idiot. We know you’re not. Tone deaf maybe, but not an idiot.


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An Observation I Just Made In An Email That I Thought Worth Sharing. The email was prompted in response to someone who was delaying a press release by two weeks. The release was about helping small businesses in their
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Strategy and Tactics ”Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Sun Tzu