People: Leo
“In Italy I was a photographer. In Rome.”
“A pretty place to photograph.”
“Well, not so much, my job was a police photographer. When someone died, I took the photographs. I was very busy. Ten years .. every day … click click click … more death. Depressing. Soul ‘killing’’. I couldn’t make a life out of death.”
So different city, different country, different job?
“Yes. But same girl!”
“She said to me one day that she is coming here. To England. It seemed a good idea. Time for change.”
You didn’t want to do something in photography? Maybe scenery, weddings, commercial … put your skills to a different use?
“My girl friend she is always changing. Me too. I wanted change. But Only one change. Change. Stop.”
So you have been here for ten years.
“Yes. And will be for another ten. My girlfriend she has had 15 jobs in the same time. Sometimes working 50 miles away. Always changing. Always chasing. But never arriving.”
“Me? I’ve arrived.”
Any journey is a series of events and one of those events is the destination. [efn_note] I was reminded of this story when I was sharing a bottle of wine with a friend recently. The wine was ‘own label’ - and on that label was a line … that he assured me was his, I haven’t found it anywhere else so let me attribute accordingly. [/efn_note]
destination journey travel Travels Without Charley