May 28, 2018

People: James


“I’m descended from a Scotsman who married a Dakotan Indian. That’s how I came to be in the Crystal business.”

James never explained how that particular logic worked. I think that is part of his charm … and, of course was proud of his lineage.

“But I am Gay - who KNOWS where that came from,” he then proclaimed … in that wonderfully affirmative, standing proud way that some people have.

James. Lovely. Outgoing. Humorous. Positive. Self-Effacing.

Is it because I’m English that I value that trait?

Then again, a six foot, loud, witty, dyed blonde, gay guy selling crystals in a town of less than 30,000 - can you be self-effacing?

Travels Without Charley

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People: James and Jean “I was born in Palm Springs” he said. He had my attention. I know a few people who have lived in Palm Springs. James was the first time I knew of
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People: Kerry “I trained as a Psychologist.” “I became a Winemaker.” “I run a Bar.” “It’s all the same really.”