People: Graham
The conversation started simply enough. He lived just up the road, had a little farm … “just as a hobby you know”.
Yes, he’s been in farming the whole of his life, always in ‘these parts’.
His son runs the ‘family farms’. We’ve mainly got grain, orchards and nuts.
“Oh. All over” … the answer to where the farms are located.… “and we have patents.”
Which raised my eyebrows … how many farmers do you know that have patents? No, me neither.
Turns out the patents are in water - wastewater specifically.
Turns out that there are many customers from all over the world already using his technology. Paying customers. A global business that emerged from the farming. And you would never know without talking to him. Exploring the conversation. Doing the journey with him.
Without all of that, he was just ‘another’ elderly gentleman, keeping himself to himself, watching ‘the game’, having a glass of wine at the end of the day - like he does every day BTW.
Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.
C.S. Lewis
Travels Without Charley