October 21, 2020

The People First Community

CleanShot 2020-10-21 at 12.58.41@2xCleanShot 2020-10-21 at 12.58.41@2x

Community mind you … not Network - is a yet to be developed space/application that will serve to provide a fabric that wraps so many people, organizations, books, papers, applications etc. My observation is that in any initiative you find parallel organizations that seem to relate and compete and yet essentially are discussing the same topic. Think ‘not-for-profits’ fighting each other for the same funding to solve the same problem.

People First is not the only organization in this space - so in one sense we are another node on the network. No argument. BUT. What https://peoplefirst.community will do is provide a network map of anybody and everybody related to and working with the challenges we are identifying.

Example of a Dynamically Generated Interactive Network Map

No need to click through by the way - nothing there - yet - move along. It for the moment remains the vision.

DigLife and Generative Identity

Once such organization, lead by Philip Sheldrake is The DigLife Collective - of which yours truly is a founder member. Their observation says it all;


DigLife Collective

DigLife has in turn recently spawned another initiative that explores Generative Identity. It’s new thinking that I wanted to capture now. It’s an important message. To me the first time that I am aware of the world of technology that in talking about identity, they are not just talking about the ‘ID’ - but also starting to think of the ‘entity’ of Identity.

For those keeping track, you will recall that it is a significant stone in the People First canon.

ID and Entity are the two sides of Identity

From The Generative Identity Site

Whenever we contemplate human dignity and well-being, social inclusion and equity, economics, education, democratic process, peace and justice, whenever we contemplate many of the sustainable development goals and corresponding targets, we inevitably contemplate the question of human identity in the digital age.

Anyone who has worked on projects in areas such as these will vouch that questions of identity are integral to their research, their analyses, and their designs.

The term generative identity is used to refer to research and thinking and designs that prioritise psychological, sociological, and ecological health in their approach to digital identity. The interdisciplinary working group on generative identity exists to encourage such work and, by corollary, to highlight the innate dangers of approaches to digital identity that do not qualify as generative.


Funny, just today, I published the weekly newsletter referencing a quote from Douglas Adams. There must be something in the ether. Over on the DigLife site, I found this image of dolphins.

Dolphins By Courtnie Tosana

community diglife guest post Identity network partnership philip sheldrake archive.pf.business
October 21, 2020

Our Web Properties


More of a status check than information, but it kind of makes sense to record here - and periodically update.

People First has 9 domains that get used for different initiatives.

‘Broadcast’ Sites

Newsletter @ PeopleFirst.news

Read and Subscribe

Podcasts @ PeopleFirst.fm

Take A Listen

Blog @ PeopleFirst.vision

Have A Read

Subscribe To The RSS

Network @ PeopleFirst.network

Join the People First Network

Business @ PeopleFirst.business

See what inspires you

Not Yet Live - and so for now, all should resolve to PeopleFirst.business

  • PeopleFirst.pub - it will be the book site.
  • PeopleFirst.systems - the structures, framworks, models that allow you to use People First thinking.
  • PeopleFirst.video - when we move into video - this is where it will be.
  • PeopleFirst.community - it will map the fabric across the internet.
help People First archive.pf.business
October 19, 2020



Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Some Useful Tips To Navigate The Articles

The RSS feed is here.

Article Navigation

Like any good WordPress blog, searching by category is of course possible. We have also work hard to only have a single category per article.

We then refine the indexing of the article with free form tags.

We have also introduced a second layer of article - which is ‘post type’ … using this filter you can find posts, asides, videos etc

Combine the two look for

  • category = work
  • post kind = video

Hit ‘filter’ and back comes the list of all posts that contain ‘videos’ categorized as ‘work’.

And then, of course, you have search!

help navigation People First Video archive.pf.business
October 19, 2020

Digital DownloadDigital Download

I think books are specific things. Simply writing a doc, creating a pdf, putting it on your web site and calling it an ebook is not right. I am producing a few such collections right now and they are definitely not ebooks!

In fact avoid ‘e-anything’


  • digibook
  • digitaldownload

Something like that

ebooks language People First Aside archive.pf.business
October 18, 2020


Work archive.pf.business
October 15, 2020

The Journey


People First has been a winding journey for the last four years. Most recently, I find it has been coming together in my mind very clearly and with that clarity I have been encouraged to talk about what is going on in a more open manner. The interesting thing is that as I have become more open about what I am doing, more questions are being asked.

Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

A year ago, asking someone to sign up for the newsletter resulted in them either signing up for the newsletter - or not. No questions. No debate.

Today, I still have the newsletter , added a podcast, the book is coming out shortly and now we are beginning to create community - the questions are beginning to flow.

I still don’t understand. What is the mission/goal of the group(s)?

a newsletter reader


What would you say, in three or so sentences, is the hard objective of People First? Not the vague, all singing all dancing “unleashing human potential” nor the activity based “bringing like minds together” etc. What are you (and other participants) trying to tangibly accomplish? This isn’t rhetorical. I am just trying to understand what will change/improve at the coal face as a result of your combined efforts.

a newsletter reader

This post is not to answer the questions … yet. I touched on it in this weeks newsletter - and was specific about that, but here’s the good news. One takeaway for the recurring question is that people are sitting up, listening, they are interested … which from where I sit is all good news.

As one reader wrote …

I believe you are on the verge of an overnight success!!!

I hope he’s right!

newsletter People First archive.pf.business
October 15, 2020

By my calculation, my newsletters are a 5-minute read.

To join the new People First network takes 10 seconds.

JOin The People first network

People First people first network Aside archive.pf.business
October 8, 2020

People First Is Not Political


Though it might well be political.

Scene From Us+Them, A Film By Roger Waters

I am writing this post, which is extracted from an email I had cause to write this week when someone questioned a stance I had taken in a newsletter that Pink Floyd was a punk band.

I know - right?

To quote the writer …

“And Pink Floyd a punk band, WTF!!???)”

an email correspondent

I often take a contrary stance on things to elicit a response. But when I take that stance, it isn’t uninformed, just different. So ‘Pink Floyd is a punk band’ had the desired effect, it elicited response - but no logical argument back, just a preconceived notion that they are a rock/progressive band - which cant possibly be punk. Me - I still say YES. I mean if Malcolm McLaren can produce an album that fuses opera and R&B has he lost his punk? Rigid classification just doesn’t work - I think that also goes some way to explaining how databases have transitioned over time from hierarchical to relational to graph. But back to Punk Floyd.

A Collection of Links you might enjoy - if not - read on

The point of it all being that if Punk is only about the music / style / genre … then no, Pink Floyd is not a Punk Band


If Punk is all about anti-establishment commentary and political action - then absolutely yes, they are … and Roger Waters specifically is the original punk.

Have you seen his Mexico concert?

The desire of the article and a lot of what I write is to take a non obvious stance to make people sit up and either respond “right, I never thought about it that way” or “the guys talking crap” … and I look forward to that debate … always seeking to learn.

music People First pink floyd punk roger waters thinking archive.pf.business
October 7, 2020

People First

John Philpin

 is a Board Level Executive with extensive international experience in the global software and technology industry. John specializes in the parts of business that engages with customers and has a passion for taking companies and product solutions to the global market. He is equally effective in mature established companies and fast growth ‘start up’ environments. John has worked in companies such as; GEC, Raytheon, Oracle and CitiCorp, working with customers like; BT, Rolls Royce, Nestle, Chiron, HP, Johnson and Johnson, American General and large Government clients. John has lead multi-disciplinary teams, built – and taken to market – software solutions that have lead to contracts that have added $100s of millions of dollars to revenue. John states his secret to success has always been to put people first which is his favorite focus when presenting on topics as diverse as ‘The Future of Work’, ‘Identity is not just ID’, ‘Technology Adoption’, Value and ‘Corporate Language’. John runs his own consulting firm and advises companies, institutions and boards.

People First …

… is a state of mind, but what does that mean? I was asked recently to summarize what I do and what People First is. After I answered the question he said … “oh you ‘Unlock Human Potential’.

I hadn’t quite thought of it that way, but at the highest level of what we seek to do, those three words encapsulate the essence of People First. In real terms we help organizations that struggle to deliver on their mission.

We find over and over again that when you unpack the challenge laid out, solve for the problem that has been described … the pain is rarely where you think it is.

  • Job 1 : Find the cause of pain.
  • Job 2 : Stop the pain.

There is no prescription, because that would suggest that we’ve been here before and are ready to retro fit your challenges into a pre-built template. That’s not how we work.

We work with you through processes and frameworks using, 1-1s, surveys, workshops, facilitation, keynote presentations .. whatever is needed to solve your problem and provide your answers.

We offer these services to organizations, if you want to have a conversation, we would love to hear from you.
We are exploring how we might offer related services smaller companies and even individuals. If you are interested in learning more about that when the service becomes available - register your interest here (no obligation).

The Ecosystem



Socially Yours


page archive.pf.business
October 3, 2020

What Drives Us

What Drives Us?. Mazlow, Herzberg, and Levi Strauss


Interesting read, questioning the relevance of Maslow in this new century. I think he is onto something.

Aside Work archive.pf.business