July 30, 2018

People: Leroy

people-first-stories“I am 76 years old and have been married for 58 of them. She had just turned 17 when we started our lives together.” “I buy jewelry from the Zuni Indians and sell it to people that appreciate the intricacy and beauty. Their art is so fine it is almost like needlepoint.”

How do your customers find you?

“They don’t … I find them. I have been doing it for 40 years. No point in stopping, it is what I love and my wife isn’t waiting at home for me any more.”

Married 58 years, but his wife is no longer waiting at home for him … I swallowed.

“She lives three hours away. So, I visit every weekend. Drive there. We have lunch together. I drive back.

It’s been a little over two years now. She still recognizes me, which is good, but I am not sure for how much longer.”

We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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