April 18, 2020


A few links that my friend Andy sent over - just capturing and dropping into here for now.

Cleveland Model: How Evergreen Cooperatives Are Building Community Wealth

ThePreston Model: How Preston in the UK Takes Lessons from Cleveland

Mondragon Cooperatives

Looking at Mondragon Through a Critical Lens

And some others

Digital Life

Digital LIfe - 3 Spheres

Events at The Open Co-op

🔗 🗒 🥇 business.just.business

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Crony Capitalism Daring Fireball: ‘Capitalists or Cronyists?’ ”The thing to remember is that if allowed to fail, the cruise ships won’t sink to the bottom of the
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Three Stories These three stories provide context to the People First Newsletter that was published on Tuesday April 21st. Day and Night - M.C. Escher, 1938 “A