June 18, 2016

The Open Web

Interesting to see two very different posts come through my feed this morning - both explaining the importance of the Open Web  through every day analogies … and of course both writers absolutely pivotal in what they have brought, and continue to bring to us all in their work to date.

The first from Dave WinerThe Central Park of the web

The apartment buildings around the park are the money, and the creativity is in the park. The buildings are exclusive, the most expensive real estate in the world. The park is open to anyone, rich or poor, from anywhere in the world. The park is the engine of renewal. It’s where the new stuff comes from. The buildings are where the money is parked.

The second from Brent SimmonsSo Merlin Says to Me…

Blogs are the Pad Thai, the rib-eye steak, the bowls of spaghetti of the web. Podcasts are the mashed potatoes, the tacos, and the hummous. You could get by for a little while with Skittles (Twitter) and peanut butter cups (Facebook) — but eventually you need something more filling, something you can sit down with and take your time.

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