What Do You Think ?
They are pouring their hope into uncertain vessels, and surely know it. Bernie Sanders is an actual radical: He would fundamentally change an economic system that imperfectly but for two centuries made America the wealthiest country in the history of the world. In the young his support is understandable: They have never been taught anything good about capitalism and in their lifetimes have seen it do nothing—nothing—to protect its own reputation.
Source : Peggy Noonan - WSJ (http://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-sanders-and-the-american-rebellion-1455236273#sthash.lqF0vXM0.dpuf)
BTW - I know he might want to do that … but …. we all know that without ‘we the people’ fully supporting him (not just through the election, but after the election), without The Senate, without Congress … well just how much power will he have - and what exactly will he be able to do ?