January 26, 2016

The Secrets To Success

Richard St. John shares his thoughts on what leads to success. 7 years and 500 interviews later - he has the answer.

Passion Hard Work Get Good At It What You Do Focus On One Thing Push Yourself Serve Others And Give Value Have Ideas And Apply Them Persist Through Failure and CRAP(*)

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(*)CRAP - Criticism, Rejection, Assholes and Pressure

To me what is fascinating is how videos like this get shared. It is a short video - over 8 million views and counting. So perfect for using in team meetings. So it gets rolled out and played.  More often than not because it is easy to understand. The trick though is to apply the lessons. And in my experience, there are people that share this to their teams, and have no clue that most of what is being talked about in the video is mutually exclusive to their own being and modus operandi.

🌉 archive.bb

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