January 25, 2016

Liberals Are Terrified ..

Way back last year … ok, December 15th I wrote this piece. It was primarily about the ongoing assassination attempt of Corbyn in the UK - initially by ‘his own’ … though I wouldn’t exactly call Tony Bliar (sic) and Mendelson ‘his own’ - but they are at least meant to be in the same party. Anyway to my point, I wrote …

Bernie doesn’t have it quite as bad here in the USA, since he hasn’t yet got to that dominant position of ‘numero uno’.

Well how fast does time move. Here we are just 5 weeks later and we have the New York Times weighing in. Notice - liberal pundits ganging up against Bernie. That’s right - vote for BAU, because otherwise the status quo might change. And we do not want that do we ?

In recent weeks, major liberal pundits are putting in overtime to freshen their case against Bernie Sanders, urging citizen’s to ignore their conscience and quit screwing with the interests of the moneyed elite.

The New York Times reports “alarmed Hillary Clinton supporters” are warning Sanders “would be an electoral disaster who would frighten swing voters and send Democrats in tight congressional and governor’s races to defeat.” Supporters cast Sanders as “unelectable” and attempt to present him as the Republicans’ favored nominee because super political action committees run by operatives like Karl Rove would supposedly prefer to see the Republican nominee run against Sanders.

Source : New York Times (http://inthesetimes.com/article/18798/liberals-election2016-Sanders-Chait-Leftism)

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