December 7, 2015

A Share Is Not A Complement

I was trawling my own blog this morning and came across this post, which in turn referenced this post. As I have previously intimated, the prime focus of this blog for me is not (currently) to garner readership, though I am beginning to work up to that. Rather its purpose is to collect my thoughts and ideas in a single space. I use it to practice my writing. To get my rhythm. And. Bit by bit. I am building the courage to promote it more.

So I am constantly surprised to discover that people are actually reading it. At all. I mean, it is there to be read, but I don’t analyze the data to see who is visiting, it isn’t that kind of space. But still, I do get comments and I do pay attention. It’s nice. And to those people. T H A N K Y O U.

What prompts this post is a slightly different thought. I also publish things on LinkedIN from time to time. Again, primarily practice, but things I write are more likely to be seen because of the stream that is embedded in LinkedIN.

Last week I posted this onto LinkedIN. So far, 5 days later, it has received 48 views and 3 likes. Not exactly ground breaking stats, but again, not the point. Separately, behind the scenes, I have received 7 email / LinkedIN messages from people telling me how much they enjoyed the piece, that I should keep my stuff coming, do more etc etc. Not one of those people are one of the three people who liked the post on linkedIN. They liked it enough to write and tell me so, but not one of them elected to like it on the page, nor to share it. I wonder why ?

From my perspective, the personal note to me complement or suggestion for improvement, I find the best. That someone takes the time in their day is sooooo much better than a quick up / down like. I am just wondering what the real difference is here.

Any thoughts ?


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New Rules - 4 When you search for ‘<name>’ in linkedIN, it should produce a result that is at least within 1% of the result you get when you search Google with