Trade Offs In Publishing
ad-blockerI have written previously about Ad Blocking and Content Blocking. Here’s a new one … click through to the Washington Post from a link - and they spot that I have my content blocker on … notice - content - not ad - blocker. But they call it an ad-blocker.
Well I guess they must know better than I - with all that tracking that Ghostery is revealing .
Still - it is interesting - I want some of their content - they want something from me - in this case my email - which not only unlocks this story - but now subscribes me to their ‘First Reads Newsletter’ … well hello - that is a lot of tradeoff to read one article.
I tried going directly to their site and got a similar pop up - but this one included a “free (their bold) 6-week digital subscription.”. Just for kicks I entered an email id - and got
“Error while subscribing, please try later”
Still haven’t read the article - life is too short.