Is The Kansas City ‘Smart City’ Smart Thinking ?
Cisco-Consulting-Services-a_1429899081687_17267817_ver1.0_640_480Read All About It !!!
The largest smart city project in North America is moving closer to reality in Kansas City, mainly along a 2.2-mile streetcar line under construction through the downtown.
I was particularly struck with this comment …
Blackburn also said Cisco is sensitive to ways that video sensors might be seen as invasive public surveillance. “For any privacy issues, we’ll comply with state and federal regulations and won’t give access to software developers to anything they shouldn’t have access to,” he said.
Employment Law, Women’s Rights, Abortionism, Creationism, Race, are all fine examples of how exactly it shouldn’t be done over in that fine state - so I for one am not holding my breath on this one …. not saying that the experiment won’t be great - I mean who can resist ‘the lure of the future’ and free, fast, always on wifi … but when someone has to say “For any privacy issues, we’ll comply with state and federal regulations” - when we know that the state and federal regulations are about as minimal as they can get - oh - and that (we) “won’t give access to software developers to anything they shouldn’t have access to” … umm - hello - who decides what it is that software developers shouldn’t have access to …. and exactly how secure is the information of the ‘guineazens’ … And finally ..
The Smart + Connected Communities program will include installation of a public Wi-Fi network and “community kiosks” that will allow citizens to call upon city services or make digital transactions.
I wonder if mobile has reached Kansas yet ? Wait it must have - Sprint are headquartered there …. so what is going in - left and right hands ? Or simply headline grabbing ?
Just thinking aloud - that’s all.