The Five Senses
fivesenses_01(Sight and Sound … check)
Sight | Sound | Touch | Smell | Taste …. three down …. two to go … at least that is how I see ‘The Watch’ - the first device to connect people across the internet through touch …
Update Wednesday 8th April : Interesting to read this today …
What the telephone was for voice, what video was for seeing, Apple Watch is for touch. No, you’re not really touching someone, but when you call someone, you’re not really hearing them, either. When you FaceTime them, you’re not really seeing them, you’re looking at a picture of them on a screen. But a phone call feels like you’re talking to someone. A FaceTime call feels like you’re looking at someone. And with digital touch on Apple Watch, it feels, in a very real sense, like you’re touching and being touched by another person.
… on Daring Fireball. I guess we agree :-) (Oh and a very complete review By the way.)