January 24, 2015

The Chasm - In The ‘Post PC’ Era

image-26-600x450image-26-600x450You know I am a big fan of Ben Thompson. This one popped up the other day - where he is asking if Geoff Moore’s Crossing The Chasm theories are still relevant. Personally, I think they are - however - it did get me to thinking - so I pinged my friends Stuart Robbins - and yes - Geoff Moore.

Geoff has not yet got back to me - but Stuart wrote a wonderfully considered piece (he always does) - and the line below called out particularly leapt out to me. I will add his full commentary - when I have his permission - and of course - when / if Geoff replies - with his permission will do the same. Stand by.

I don’t think it is “trickle down” technology, but technology that leaps in a viral manner across the chasm.

[Later] : This just in from another friend - thanks Larry.

Geoff’s keynote at Strata in 2014 where he addresses the relevance of the Chasm in today’s business.

And while we are on Geoff video - this one is quiet brilliant - using a video I had seen before - but describing the technology adoption lifecycle as it applies to consumers - all based on a dancing man at Sasquatch 2009.

🌉 archive.bb

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Crazy Ones Always loved this … time to publish it. “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.