This Changes Nothing
This Changes NothingI found the block quote below in my snippet collection from a year ago this month. The depressing thing isn’t that the situation is no different, I could live with that. No, the depressing thing is that it is worse.
The Upside ?
…. the opportunity is even greater for the customers, and the enterprises and the people in the value chain that can help and the applications they can acquire and the consultants that can …. oh wait - that last one is going to be a problem - see why in my next post. Quite the contrary to ‘This Changes Nothing’ - this one really does change everything !
“There is substantial evidence that large corporations and enterprises are in a similar position to that which they found themselves in the late 90s when the internet emerged as a ‘significant disruptor’, this time in the shape of ‘Social Media’. But unlike the internet, this shift is not just technological, but rather is changing everything.”