May 2, 2013


Sometimes - just out of the blue - some people say the nicest things. Decided that this might be a place to store those personal references …..

From Analytics For Twitter 

John Philpin blogs with a unique perspective in regards to digital marketing at his site, His material is engagingly diverse and synthesized from a wide range of sources to form a cohesive themes about human interaction and connection amidst the chaotic, confusing world of data and analytics that now clouds the trades of marketing and sales.


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Enough Already - Redux This post was originally written for and published on ODesk. It so caught the imaginations of the readership that though the number of views for the
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Stephen Wolfram : Data Science of the Facebook World - A Fascinating Read. Tripped across this today. If at all you are interested in mathematics, patterns, social media - and ideally a cross between all three - this is for