5 Key points About Enabling your Social Enterprise
social-enterprise-cloud-wordsIf you are thinking about your social enterprise - have a read of this - Spot on. People, Process and Technology’ are of course there - just as they are in our Reality Works Methodology. But then add to that Measurement and Governance.
His point on ‘Measurement’ is truly important - bottom line - don’t make stuff up. You already have corporately agreed measurements in place - think KPIs …. Use those. Ask yourself - how does what I am doing map to those KPIs?
And then ‘Governance.’ That is going to vary depending on your organization …. But again - the key is don’t reinvent the wheel - find who is responsible and adopt their work.
But then - the piece de résistance.
…. it occurred to me while reading it that I was missing a critical question at the end, so I am adding it… Can we put social business behind us now and move to an evolved version of business that needs to deal with cloud, mobility, and complex analytics?)
Hallelujah … though not totally for the same reason - but the over use of SocialXXX is nuts. We are moving out of the industrialization of everything phase - very fast - and into a brave new world. Social xxx is really just xxx, because if it isn’t at your company already - it will be dying shortly.