Everyone’s A Sales Person
danielpinkAfter three consecutive posts essentially complaining about one single Forbes article - thought I would switch direction a little.
I did NOT quite hear this on NPR yesterday. The one I heard was a lot longer and more detailed - and maybe it isn’t available online yet - but it was Daniel Pink - talking about his ‘new’ book ‘To sell is Human.’
The link will take your through to the NPR article from December - and embedded there you can listen to the whole interview. It is just GREAT, or if like me you like transcripts ….
All that said- great stuff - and off to order
A couple of highlighted quotes for you ::
“Sales was built for a world of information asymmetry — the seller always had more information than the buyer.”
“The best salespeople are ‘ambiverts’, not extroverts” - I will let you look up ambivert
And - his new ABC of Selling - remember the ’Always Be Closing’from Glengarry Glenross ?
Attunement is the capacity to take another’s perspective, to understand their interests, and to see the world from their point of view. Buoyancy is the capacity to stay afloat on what one salesman calls an “ocean of rejection.” Clarity is the capacity to make sense of murky situations, to curate information rather than merely access it, and to move from solving existing problems to finding hidden ones.”
Of course - you know what I am going to say. Don’t forget what you have learnt. If you were always closing in the past - why would you stop now ?
Oh - and if you want to get the book - click on the image below. It will take you straight to Amazon.