January 7, 2013

Technology Makes You Geographically Independant ? Not So Fast.

A new book by Enrico Moretti discusses the ‘geography of jobs’.

 But the winners and losers aren’t necessarily who you’d expect. Moretti’s groundbreaking research shows that you don’t have to be a scientist or an engineer to thrive in one of these brain hubs. Among the beneficiaries are the workers who support the “idea-creators”—the carpenters, hair stylists, personal trainers, lawyers, doctors, teachers and the like. In fact, Moretti has shown that for every new innovation job in a city, five additional non-innovation jobs are created, and those workers earn higher salaries than their counterparts in other cities.

…. “for every new innovation job in a city, five additional non-innovation jobs are created” - think about that.

🌉 archive.bb

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