January 27, 2013

Does Cold Calling Still Work?

annekeseleyannekeseleyGood question.

Friend and colleague Anneke Seley was discussing the question recently …. you can read her post ’Does Cold Calling Still Work? … here.

But I wonder if we keep coming back to definitional problems.

Here’s what I commented on her post :

The implication is that “cold calling” used to work …. but I am not sure it ever did.

Definitely people used to connect with others ‘out of the blue’ and something might happen - but the best sales people from ‘the old school’ i have ever known never cold called. They connected with a thought through and understood value proposition that they anticipated would resonate with the person they were calling - even though that person might never have expected the call - so was it a cold call - or a carefully calculated campaign of 1?

🌉 archive.bb

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