December 1, 2012

Workflow - Mac - iPad - iPhone

Time to introduce an extra style of post in this blog. For a while now I have been posting short commentaries on links and information that I found out there. I add a little relevant thumbnail that depicts some aspect of the theme - add the link - and heh presto – DONE!

Time to shift. Those posts will continue - and so will the second style just recently introduced that presents the content itself as a video / slide show.

The third is really little more than a link post. I have recently been posting those into Facebook - but that annoys me so much - it breaks up the narrative. So from this point on - I will post those links here …. Thanks to my new friend Blogsy.

I wrote about Blogsy a while back - and since then - been experimenting. I think I have got the hang of it - so pushing it out as part of my workflow, because when posting from Blogsy - it is coming from my iPad - where I consume far more information than on my Mac.

I have tried adding stuff to Instapaper / Read It Later et al …. but they again are designed to consume - I don’t think about reading stuff on my Mac - so on my pad I save it to Instapaper - and then it gets opened in Instapaper on the pad again - no benefit.

Hence the plan.

Is it just me ? Or do you wrestle with where you create versus where you consume - I see it is a seamless process. How about you?


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