December 7, 2012

Office Loses Relevance

My personal favourite on the click through is indeed captured in the headline - and IMHO - not a day too soon, but the rest of the list is pretty damming.

Thanks to John Gruber and Daring Fireball

Jay Yarow lays out the case against Microsoft:

Last year, we concluded by saying, “Fortunately for Microsoft, none of this is going to happen. Windows 8 will reassert the dominance of the Windows PC. Office and other business products will remain corporate necessities, and developers will never be able to ignore Microsoft. Windows Phone will become a viable third mobile platform, the Xbox will continue to dominate the living room, and new products will surprise the pundits who thought Microsoft couldn’t innovate. Even Bing will finally make a profit someday.”

This year, it’s a lot harder to say much of that. Windows 8 doesn’t seem to be reasserting the dominance of the PC. Windows Phone is not a viable third platform. Bing is still burning money. The Microsoft nightmare scenario is actually becoming a reality.  

Read the full article :: Steve Ballmer’s Nightmare Is Coming True


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