November 29, 2012


conversationMy good friend John Kelden just published this to Slideshare. You might not have heard John’s name - but for a long time now - I think he has been onto something.

Point of this post is not to dive into his life time’s work - I really should leave that to him - but rather to flag this neat little slide show he has just uploaded to Slideshare.

JUst a few slides - with most of the slides having less words than a single bullet point in your average deck :-)

Anyway - if you are in social media/networking/business/enterprise/sales ….. or you are trying to join the conversation - this is a very neat littel guide to what you should be doing.

More importantly - the whole story fits right in to the bigger picture stuff that JOhn has been banging on about befoe ANY of those terms were coined.


The11 conversations from John Kellden


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It’s The Little Things That Count When I went off to college - my mum told me to write to her every day. Of course - I didn’t. She asked why not - she wrote to her mum every day.