10 Ways Your Business Can Combat Digital Darwinism
Brian-Solis-Digital-DarwinismI am a big advocate of Social Media - BUT - my recurring mantra is to FIRST
understand your business, goals, milestones, objectives
know how the routes to market to achieve those goals, milestones and objectives will help
understand the customers / market / community that will allow you to achieve those goals, milestones, and objectives
work out how your Social Media Strategy will complement everything else you are doing to achieve those goals, milestones and objectives
In other words - don’t put the cart before the horse and remember that
social media is not instead of - it is as well as
is not free
is not easy
Otherwise - enjoy ! What prompts me to write this is seeing the quote :
The truth is that you can create brand pages on every social network you can imagine and you won’t succeed unless you know whom you’re trying to reach and where, what it is consumers expect and value, and how these channels represent a meaningful opportunity for you and your customers to connect. You first must answer what’s in it for them – and what’s in it for you. What the social media gurus aren’t telling you is that the landscape for business isn’t changing because of social media – it’s changing because consumer expectations are evolving.
in this Forbes article they seem to be saying the same thing. (via Forbes) Image borrowed from Brian Solis - with thanks - and definitely a dude amongst dudes :-)