April 3, 2012

Simplenote Loves Instapaper

A-Better-Mess-Logo-By-Michael-Schechter-Cropped4Always looking for good iXXX productivity apps. Writing Apps specifically are currently absorbing my thoughts - along with integration.

meanwhile - been a fan of and used Instapaper - pretty much since I got into the iWorld - never looked back. And for a while now - you have been able to post from Instapaper to Tumblr, Twitter, OmniFocus, Twitter etc  but CURIOUSLY not - that I have found - Evernote.

This is a halfway house - export to Simplenote and from there do what you will in the writing world - jury out yet - it is potentially a step too many - but you never know, because Simplenote Loves Instapaper.

🌉 archive.bb

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