September 17, 2010

5 Tips to Finding your way in the Turbulent Waters of Unemployment.

renecarayolRene Carayol - he who founded the Inspired Leaders Network 10 years ago - has these 5 tips to successfully ride the turbulent waters of finding a job:

1) Don’t Panic

Don’t rush out and take the first job. It might sound counter-intuitive but swallow hard and take stock. Identify organisations whose values and attitudes match yours. That alone will energise you and make you stand out over the competition. Now is not the time to end up in an organisation whose culture does not inspire you and you find yourself trapped.

2) Know Your Assets

When I was moderating a global head-hunter conference recently, the audience asked our learned panel of top North American and European head-hunters what the ‘best of the best’ organisations look for when employing? Their answer was passion for the organisation and candidates who had lived in another culture abroad.

If you have a passion for a particular business sector, are fluent in another language, have lived abroad or have specialist skills then announce them loudly and proudly. They are your trump card.

3) Work On That CV

I’ll repeat it again. Skills are commoditised, so don’t labour the point about your qualifications in an overly long CV. Keep it succinct, punchy and highlight what makes you unique, special and different.

Remember to go back to attitude. Employers want to know that expensive new hires are going to fit in and last. If there are training gaps, they will provide it.

CVs don’t have to be dull. Give them personality.

4) Think Laterally

Put Yourself Out There  Opportunities spring up in the least expected places. Build relationships, network hard, use social media and lean on your existing contact base.

Personal recommendations are by far the strongest weapon in any armoury at the moment.

5) Be Flexible

Earn your stripes. Prove what you can do, be agile and make yourself indispensible. Get a foot in the door in the right organisation and work yourself over time into the role that plays to your strengths.

Thankyou Rene.


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